Author: Lauri

Write, perform & publish more music

Song Structure Explained

Let’s have a look into the most common building blocks of a modern song. At least 95% of all modern (post-90s) songs follow these basic structures, with some minor changes. Introduction The introduction or “intro” literally introduces the sounds, instruments, and elements of the song to the listener. The intro determines whether the listener will continue to…
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Writing Exercises – The Empty Paper

Usually, the best ideas are not invented in a split second – but rather created when the mind has already been warmed up. When it comes to writing song lyrics, this is definitely the case. The way I approach songwriting is this: every new project I start, every new song I start to write, is…
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Ten 10-step System To Write A Song – Part 2/5

The next two steps to write a song would be choosing a song structure and writing the first version of the lyrics. 3. The Song Structure Now that you have already the material to create your rough lyrics, it should be wise to start writing them. But before writing any line, chord or melody, let’s…
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The 10-step System To Write A Song – Part 1/5

If you’ve ever wanted to start learning how to write songs, now is the perfect opportunity! Just hop in and follow this miniseries to get started with developing your own songwriting skills. Do you need some prior knowledge of songwriting? No. Do you need to have some basic skills in playing an instrument? Well, yes…
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